10 Essential Features in the Best Gym CRM Software

Living in the world of reality, no one can become a hulk or superman to deal with their routine tasks. However, managing gym operations demands such energy from you. Sometimes you need to manage reward programs to incentivize your clients. But that requires difficult calculations that seem like solving puzzles, which not everyone can do easily. And, sometimes you need to run marketing campaigns, but where and how to invest your money to maximize your ROI really becomes a challenge. Therefore, wisely make your decisions while choosing the best gym CRM software, so that you do not need to apply Herculean efforts to manage your routine tasks. Therefore, ensure the availability of the following essential features before purchasing.

1. Membership management

The best gym CRM software maintains the information of your customers in an organized form. In addition, you can easily access the profile of an individual member. In this way, you track their progress report, offer personalized packages, and check their payment details.

Furthermore, you can create flexible payment plans to facilitate your customers. The software allows you to set automated reminders to collect pending dues from your customers. It improves cash flow and enhances customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is essential to check this feature before buying the software.

2. Waitlist management

Seeing a rush of customers in your studio is good for revenue generation.  But mismanagement can damage the reputation of your gym business. Using CRM software, you can easily face this challenge. The software allows you to effectively manage peak and off-peak hours for your business.

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The software enables your customers to reserve their slots in a fully booked class. When a slot gets free, they receive notification so they can join the class. In this way, the software optimizes class strength and reduces the chances of no shows.

3. Payment processing

Offering diverse methods to process payments will increase your sales. It is because customers choose payment methods at their convenience. The gym CRM allows you to accept payments through different payment methods, such as Stripe, PayTabs, and GoCardless. Furthermore, your customers can pay through debit and credit cards.

4. Class scheduling

Class scheduling becomes simpler than flipping through pages. The best Gym CRM software allows you to organize your planner in a neat and tidy way. In addition, the software eliminates the chances of errors such as double booking and overlapping of classes.

Furthermore, the software enables your customers to view their scheduled classes on the widget. It is a facility for your staff members and also for customers. The relevant class participants receive notifications, when a schedule changes. In addition, you can grant limited access to authorized personnel to manage schedules. So they can timely inform relevant class participants about the change in the last hour. Such functionalities enhance customer satisfaction and build the reputation of your gym.

5. Automate receipt generation

The best gym CRM software helps gym studio owners manage their finances. It maintains a record of each sale, that saves your business from legal liabilities. Furthermore, the software automatically generates receipts and sends them to customers. It enhances customer satisfaction and creates transparency between you and your customers.

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6. Attendance tracking

Track attendance record of your customers and staff members. Using this information you can identify gym trends and patterns, such as popular classes and peak hours. These features enable you to effectively use your resources and fulfill the demands of your customers.

At the same time, tracking attendance records of your staff members enables you to ensure punctuality in your gym studio. Availability of staff members saves customers from disappointments. Most importantly, you can manage payrolls while tracking the attendance record of staff members.

7. Point of sale (POS) system

A robust point of sale (POS) system increases sales and secures payments. Therefore, it is essential to check the availability POS system in the best gym CRM software. In addition, the software automatically updates inventory when you sell a product. In this way, it prevents overstocking and shortage of products.

8. Facility rental

Do not let your resources go in waste. Make the best use of it with the effective use of the facility rental feature. This feature allows you to rent out your resources to generate some extra revenue. Furthermore, the software allows you to effectively manage this process. 

You can rent out equipment that is not in use and the space of your gym to conduct extra classes or seminars. In this way, your gym studio will get word-of-mouth publicity and stronger networking in the market. Therefore, it is essential to check this feature before buying it.

9. Loyalty programs

Initiating loyalty programs in your gym studio helps you to retain existing members. In addition, this technique encourages customers to refer their friends and family. The best CRM software accurately calculates rewards of an individual member. It strengthens your market position and attracts more customers. Therefore, it is essential to check this feature before buying the software.

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10. Gift cards

Using the software you can enable your customer to avail services using gift cards. It creates convenience for customers in availing your services. In addition, they can easily redeem their gift cards because of the best gym CRM software. The software tracks the usage of each gift card. In this way, it saves from misusages and frauds.

Furthermore, your customers can gift this to their friends and family. In this way, the software creates an opportunity for you to generate more sales.


Membership management, scheduling system, online payment processing, POS system and tracking attendance record are the essential features in the gym CRM software. All these features collectively make management easier and ensure financial growth of your business.

Check these features and read online reviews about the service provider. In this way, you can analyze the previous performance of the service provider. Compare prices on different websites and ensure availability of the feature of your need. In this way, you can get the best output from the gym CRM software.